Medical traceability and management system.
N.B. Automation offers specialized solutions for your processes traceability and your production’s quality control.

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SubscriptionA complete traceability and management solution to insure respect of medical quality control procedures.
ChronoMEDIC management and traceability system is designed to facilitate the execution of daily work tasks and to ensure the respect and the conformity of each medical procedure to be applied.
Designed specifically to meet health care system and hospitals requirements, the ChronoMEDIC management and traceability solution is modular. Each specialized module is configurable and will integrate quickly into your work environment.
Furthermore, then assuring the respect and the conformity of your operations, decreasing your errors and accelerating your productivity, the ChronoMEDIC medical management system will bring an important decrease of your operational cost.
Medical devices’ management and traceability:
The specialized medical device management and traceability module enables the M.D.R.D / SPD to optimize it tray production cycle management and to improve its quality control.
Case Carts’ management and traceability:
The specialized case carts’ management and traceability module allows case carts production cycle management from the case planning to the operation room.
Endoscopes’ management and traceability:
The specialized module of management and traceability for endoscopy offers full traceability and quality control of each endoscope. It manages maintenance, repair, expiry date and suggests which endoscope should be used next.
Endoscopes cabinets management and traceability:
The specialized endoscope cabinet management module allows the M.D.R.D to have full traceability of its endoscopes location in its storage cabinets as well as a preventive management of the expiry date of each of its endoscopes.
Laundry’s management and traceability:
The laundry’s management and traceability specialized module:
- Facilitates received soiled laundry control at the laundry room;
- Assists attendants in the distribution of clean laundry according to each client specific quotas, hospital unit or department;
- Also allows reprocessing CHSLDs beneficiaries’ laundry.
Residents laundry management and traceability:
The specialized module of residents’ laundry’s management and traceability allows laundry service to stay focused on its mission first and take up the growing challenge of managing and distributing its residents clothing and personal effects.
Loans of trays of medical devices management and traceability:
The specialized module for company’s instrument tray loans management and traceability makes it possible to track receipt, use and return to the supplier of the loaned trays to your hospital center. The system maintains a complete transactions history including receipt and shipping photos.
Medical samples’ management and traceability:
The specialized module for managing and tracing samples allows track samples from sampling site to treatment location. Samples monitoring is done by container’s movements traceability.
Parcel management and traceability:
The specialized module for parcels’ management and traceability allows you to track your parcels from reception to distribution at the addressee and keep its complete history. It is both a securing parcels method and an effective means of transition points controlling during delivery.
Equipments and printing material:
We are here to support you in the execution of your daily work and enable you to exceed your quality control objectives. We offer a wide range of data collection equipment that meets the needs of different workstations and users as well as a wide variety of identification products to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare system.
Marking and identification solutions:
Our marking solution, developed specifically for healthcare field, has been proven for more than 15 years and contains everything you need to identify all your surgical instruments. It includes a micro-percussion marking machine, a 3rd generation micro-code reader, marking assistance tools as well as marking programs developed specifically for the hospital field.
A complete management system for the infections’ control and prevention.
For over 25 years, the Canadian company N.B. Automation specializes in the design and development of management solutions for quality control and traceability.
ChronoMEDIC is an intuitive solution that makes health care workers and managers day-to-day work easier.
N.B. Automation medical field specialized team understands your reality and is fully available to meet the specific needs of users and managers in the hospitals and health care establishments.
25 years of bringing tangible results with our solutions.